AI-Based Road Safety Audit Software

A quicker, more accurate and automated safety analysis of roads using Artificial Intelligence.
Terramatic is a solution for road safety stakeholders that identifies potential safety hazard zone on road networks so road accidents can be prevented before they happen. It offers detailed analyses of the road network and provides precise recommendations to improve the crash rate.
Overcoming data complexity, manual repetitions & time management challenges in road safety audits
Issues that make roads less safe and more prone to accidents
Poor Road Design and Maintenance
Poor Road Design and Maintenance
Insufficient Lighting
Insufficient Lighting
Sharp Turns
Sharp Turns
Missing Signages
Missing Signages
Lack Of Road Safety Infrastructure
Lack Of Road Safety Infrastructure
No Guardrails
No Guardrails
Poor Road Design and Maintenance
No Speed Breakers
Poor Road Design and Maintenance
No Pedestrian Crossings
Poor Road Design and Maintenance
Much more
Existing system
The government appoints a few key stakeholders to oversee and coordinate road safety initiatives across the country.
Private Road safety auditors
Private Road Safety Auditors
Government Safety Department
Government Safety Department
Central Government-Owned Technical Institutes
Central Government-Owned Technical Institutes
Private Road safety auditors
Private Road Safety Auditors
Government Safety Department
Government Safety Department
Central Government-Owned Technical Institutes
Central Government-Owned Technical Institutes
These people work on:
  • Identification of potential safety hazards or risks on the road
  • Recommendations for improvements to reduce the risk of accidents
  • Identification of road safety elements like road markings, signage, lighting, crash barriers, and many more, which need to be improved or added
  • Identification of areas where road markings, signage, lighting, etc. need to be improved or added
  • Identification of areas where enforcement of traffic laws and regulations may need to be increased
Challenges with the existing solutions
Struggling with huge piles of data
Struggling with huge piles of data
Hours of manual grunt work
Hours of manual grunt work
Need for specialized subject matter experts
Need for specialized subject matter experts
Tedious, time-taking process
Tedious, time-taking process

Introducing TERRAMATIC: The key to a more efficient, automated road safety analysis system

Our innovative software revolutionizes the process, allowing you to overcome data overload, save time, and tap into expertise. Streamline road safety auditing and make our roads safer for everyone.

Terramatic make Road Safety Audits easier

Identifying potential hazards

Identification of potential hazards

 In this phase, our SaaS platform identifies areas or zones with potential safety hazards. Using advanced algorithms, technology and data analysis, our platform examines various factors such as road geometry and environmental conditions, road furniture and much more. It highlights locations where safety risks are likely to be present.
Data analysis of the existing property

Data analysis of the existing property

This stage involves the comprehensive analysis of existing road elements and their properties. The SaaS platform leverages AI and data processing techniques to assess factors like road design, signage, markings, lighting, and traffic control devices. It automatically evaluates these elements against established safety standards and guidelines. By providing detailed insights into the condition and adequacy of road infrastructure, the platform assists in identifying areas that require attention and potential improvements.
Recommendation Drafting

Recommendation Drafting

Once potential hazards and deficiencies are identified, the SaaS platform aids in drafting recommendations for road safety enhancements. It consolidates the findings from the audit process, considering the data analysis, identified hazard zones, and relevant guidelines. The platform provides a user-friendly interface for stakeholders to create well-informed and specific recommendations. These recommendations may include modifications to road layout, traffic control measures, pedestrian facilities, visibility enhancements, or other targeted interventions aimed at reducing safety risks.


After the recommendations have been drafted, the SaaS platform assists in the implementation phase. It facilitates collaboration among stakeholders by providing a centralized platform for communication, tracking progress, and managing tasks. The platform includes project management tools, resource allocation, and monitoring functionalities to streamline the implementation process. This ensures that the recommended safety measures are efficiently executed, leading to tangible improvements in road safety.

Benefits of using Terramatic

With Terramatic, road safety audits are faster and more cost-effective than ever before, thanks to increased efficiency.
Optimized solution
It also enables long-term tracking of road safety improvements and identifies trends for proactive planning.
Optimized Management
Terramatic uses data-driven, objective analysis to reduce the potential for human bias and error in the auditing process.
Objective Analysis
Terramatic provides customized road safety audit reports that are easy to understand and user friendly while implementation.
Report Generation
It ensures compliance with  Indian Road Congress (IRC) codes and provides accurate data analysis for informed decision-making.
IRC Compliance
The solutions’ adaptability allows for the rapid deployment of new solutions, keeping road safety audits up-to-date with the latest technologies and practices.

Supported By

Save time. Increase accuracy. Streamline your road safety audits.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is a road safety audit required?

A road safety audit is typically required during the planning and design phase of a new road or highway project, as well as during major modifications or upgrades to existing roads. It can also be conducted in response to safety concerns or after a road traffic accident has occurred.

What is the IRC standard for roads?

IRC stands for the Indian Roads Congress, which is a professional body that sets standards for the design, construction, and maintenance of roads in India. The IRC has established a number of guidelines and standards for road safety, including the IRC:SP:88-2010 Guidelines for Road Safety Audit, which provides a framework for conducting road safety audits in India.

What are the principles of road safety audits?

The principles of road safety audit involve a systematic, proactive, and multidisciplinary approach to identifying potential safety issues and hazards in road design and operation. Key principles include analyzing road user behavior, considering the needs of vulnerable road users, ensuring clear visibility and sightlines, providing appropriate traffic control devices and signage, and ensuring that road design is consistent with the surrounding environment.

How long will the road safety audit take?

The duration of a road safety audit can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, as well as the level of detail required. A basic road safety audit can typically be completed within a few weeks, while a more comprehensive audit may take several months to complete. It is important to allow sufficient time for the audit to be conducted thoroughly and for any recommended changes to be implemented before the road or highway is opened to traffic.

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